Easy, fun, and spiritual activities from the book, Mama, I Want to See God. Each verse of the story contains little nuggets of teachable lessons.
The activities offer opportunities for children and adults to:
- Study and discuss affirming promises of God’s Word.
- Create and participate in activities in each scripture.
- Visualize how God resides in us: Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
- Listen for God’s voice in our everyday lives: Jesus said, “My sheep hear My voice” (John 10:27).
Activity 1
Pages 2–3

Scripture: “No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.” ~ 1 John 4:12
Discussion: This scripture explains that we see God when we love. Even though none of us has seen God face to face, God is the source of our love and we love because God first loved us. When we love, the invisible God becomes visible through the godly love that is within us.
Activity: Write a love letter to God inside the heart shape provided on the link below.
Activity 2
Verse: 1, page 4
Mama, I want to see God. I wonder . . . does He look like me? “God made us in His image,” she said. While drinking her cup of tea.
Scripture: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” ~ Genesis: 1:27
Discussion: God created mankind in His Likeness on the sixth day. God created male and female after He created every other living thing.
Activity: Draw a self-portrait.
Activity 3
Verse 5, Page 8
“Mama, can I sing to God? Will He like my voice?” Mama sang a little tune . . . “God wants us to rejoice.”
Scripture: “Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good; sing praise to His name, for that is pleasant.” ~ Psalm 135:3
Discussion: We please God when we praise and worship Him through song. Explain that the lyrics in songs usually tell a story. After singing a song(s) listed here or other songs, ask children to examine the lyrics to determine the message of the songs(s).
Activity: Teach and lead children in singing these songs: Jesus Loves Me This I Know, This Little Light of Mine, or other familiar songs. (see the list and links below).
Jesus Loves Me This I Know: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owx3ao42kwI
This Little Light of Mine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGWC6_SjHKQ
Activity 4
Verse 6, Page 10
“Mama, can I read to God? Will He like my story”? “Read and study His Word, my child, it tells of all His glory.”
Scripture: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching . . .” ~ 2 Timothy 3:16
Discussion: Scripture teaches us about God. Through scripture, we learn how to live our lives so that we please God. Scripture not only teaches us, but it directs us when we’ve gone astray. Scripture then corrects us and shows us how to get back on the right path. Therefore, we should hide God’s Word in our heart (Psalm 119:11) by committing scripture to memory, which helps us to grow and develop in our Christian walk.
Activity: Choose a favorite Bible passage or allow the child to choose his or her favorite passage and learn it from memory.
Activity 5
Verse 11, Page 16
“Mama, I really want to see God! Why can’t I see His face?” Just open your eyes little one. God’s love fills us with His grace.”
Scripture: “The Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you” ~ Numbers 6:25
Discussion: God commanded Moses to go to Aaron and his sons to bless the Israelites by saying three special prayers. This scripture describes one of those prayers. Aaron and his sons blessed the people, telling them that God’s love and grace was shining down on them. When God fills us with His grace, we become closer to Him. The blessing God bestows upon us depicts His face shining on us. God loves us so much; He gives us the blessing of grace, which provide forgiveness of our wrongdoing through His son, Jesus Christ. As we learn God’s Word, we experience His blessings.
Activity: Every day, pay your blessings forward by praying for others (i.e., parents, grandparents, other family members, friends, neighbors, church members, homeless people, and the nation).
Activity 6
Verse 16, Page 22
“Remember that God loves you, more than words can say. He loves you morning, noon, and night, He is with us everyday.”
Scripture: “The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: ‘I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.’” ~ Jeremiah 31:3
Discussion: God loves everyone. His love for us never ends, nor does His love change. God loves us the same, today and tomorrow. God is so good that He loves us at our best and at our worst. God’s love is real and we can trust Him. And, to prove His love for us, God sent His only son to die on the cross, so that we might be saved (John 3:16). All we need do is believe in God and His everlasting love for us.
Activity: Complete a word search puzzle (see the link below).