Children’s Book Week is an annual celebration of reading and children’s books. It is the longest-running national literacy initiative in the country. Established in 1919, Children’s Book Week is celebrating its 101st anniversary. Schools, libraries, and bookstores participate in all 50 states.
Motto for 2020: Read. Dream. Share.
For Readers: Join in on the fun and celebrate with loads of activities for children. Adults can take advantage of the fun, as well. Read away!

For Writers: Find writing inspiration from some of the awesome activities within the links above. It’s a well known fact that in order to improve our writing skills, we should read, read, read. Of course, we all know our limitations, based on our schedules and life styles. In addition, many studies have shown that adult coloring provides relaxation and helps to reduce anxiety. Color away! It may clear your mind from the worries of our new narrative, as we continue to tread through the coronavirus pandemic. Moving forward; write away!

Vanessa Fortenberry,
M.Ed., Media
Ed.S., Media
Reading Endorsement