Connecting Readers and Writers to the Word: National Poetry Month

Spring and the month of April remains to be one of my favorite seasons. During this season, the weather turns warmer, grass and trees turn to green, flowers bloom, and birds sing. But, I also celebrate because it’s Poetry Month! As a young child, I loved writing poems. My teacher exposed me to all genres […]

Children’s Bookroom: POEM IN YOUR POCKET

Every year in April, we celebrate National Poetry Month. Launched in 1996 by the Academy of American Poets, National Poetry Month has become the largest literary celebration in the world. Each year worldwide, schools, publishers, libraries, booksellers, and poets commemorate poetry’s vital place in our nation. Use poetry to encourage readers, especially struggling readers. Poetry […]

Children’s Bookroom: READING TO WRITE

I often tell my students “good readers write and good writers read.” In my opinion, writing and reading are inseparable. The connection between reading and writing is essential to a child’s literacy development. Teachers and parents can nurture a child’s imagination through writing. An article in The Science of Learning affirms the importance of writing […]