As parents, teachers, and librarians, it takes a little creativity to encourage and motivate children to read. I would like to provide a few tips to inspire your young readers. Visit the National Day Calendar ( for interesting themes to celebrate. You can locate themes by the day, week, and/or month. For example, yesterday, January […]

Children’s Bookroom: HOOKED ON BOOK SERIES

Is it a struggle to get your child to read? Your child might say, “I just don’t like to read or “Do I have to read?” Of course, there are many possible reasons for this. However, it is not always the obvious, such as your child experiencing reading difficulties. Some children read well, but do […]

Children’s Bookroom: Book Festivals

This week, I am straying from my normal post of children’s literacy issues to talk about book festivals. Many book festivals around the country will host them next month, in September, and the months to follow. Fostering literacy and encouraging the enjoyment of literature in young children and even in adults remains to be an important function […]

Children’s Bookroom: Reading Aloud

Reading aloud to a child is significant to their development in becoming a fluent reader. It builds a strong reading foundation and background knowledge. In addition, it introduces vocabulary and provides a model for fluency and expression. However, when we think of reading aloud, we often envision reading to young children. It might be interesting […]