Connecting Readers and Writers to the Word: National Ice Cream Month

I scream, you scream! We all scream for ice cream! Today, I’d like to lighten the mood from my normal blog posts because during the month of July, we celebrate National Ice Cream Day. It was established by President Ronald Reagan in 1984. Furthermore, July 8 was National Ice Cream Sundae Day. And, the 3rd […]

Connecting Readers and Writers to The Word: Remembering Juneteenth

Juneteenth, the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States, dates back to June 19, 1865, when the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that slaves were free due to the war having ended. Remarkably, this was two and a half years after the official January 1, 1863 […]

Connecting Readers and Writers to the Word: Online Events

I’d like to share a few events that may be of interest to adult readers and writers. Time is of essence in that one “Hello Literacy” event (The Invisible Boy) will be held this Thursday, May 21. While this event was shared with me by a fellow colleague, I not only saw this event through […]

Connecting Readers and Writers to the Word: Digital Books, Book Activities, and More!

All 2020 marketing plans for authors and writers, have changed as a result of COVID-19. Author events; cancelled. Writing conferences; cancelled. Marketing letters to meet with perspective buyers; cancelled. Launch parties; cancelled. All plans cancelled or postponed. We’re now looking for creative ways to market and grow interest in our books. And, I must say, […]

Connecting Readers and Writers to the Word: Celebrating Black History Month

We are now moving into the last half of our celebration of Black History Month. How have you been celebrating, thus far? This month, I’ve applauded African American authors and musicians. What do you know about your favorite African American author(s) or musician(s)? What was their life like as a child? What experiences led them […]

Connecting Readers and Writers to the Word: Summer Literacy

For Readers: When choosing literacy activities for the kids and for yourself this summer, most times you don’t have to go any further than your local public library. Activity events range from summer reading for kids and adults to photography, to computer coding, to arts and crafts, to movies. When speaking about “literacy,” in this […]

Connecting Readers and Writers to the Word: African-American Read-In

There’s still time to celebrate Black History Month. This week, let’s applaud African-American authors, in which I am one! In 1990, the Black Caucus of the National Council of Teachers of English created the National African American Read-In. Their purpose for creating this event was to make literacy a significant part of Black History Month. It […]

Connecting Readers and Writers to the Word: Celebrate!

It’s mid-November and not in the least too late to celebrate. What are we celebrating? I’m glad you asked. Take your pick or celebrate them all! Picture Book Month: An international literacy initiative that celebrates the print picture book founded by author and storyteller, Dianne de Las Casas. Simply stated on the Picture Book Month […]